SGI/SSMI Young Investigator Research Grant - Call for Application

Briefe / Mitteilungen
Bull Med Suisses. 2021;102(03):89

Publié le 20.01.2021

SGI/SSMI Young Investigator ­Research Grant Call for Application


The Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SGI/SSMI) supports multicentre clinical research projects in all fields of intensive care medicine with a grant of CHF 45 000 every three years. The grant should enable the study team to apply for other highly competitive grants (e.g., Swiss National Science Foundation).

Project Requirements

– Multicentre study conducted in two or more Swiss ICUs
– No support/granting from industrial sources
– Principle Applicant: Physician or nurse working in the field of intensive care medicine in Switzerland, 40 years of age or younger
– Senior Applicants: Experienced physicians or nurses working in the field of intensive care medicine in Switzerland; members of the SGI/SSMI (one applicant per participat­ing center)

Assessment Criteria

– Current gaps of knowledge
– Scientific quality, originality, innovation and significance for intensive care medicine
– Interprofessionality
– Adequacy of methods and statistics (sample size calculation, statistical plan for data analysis)
– Feasibility and realistic time table
– Data management: The use of RedCap for data management is encouraged
– Scientific track record of the project team
– Investigators’ expertise in relation to the project

Assessment Procedure

The proposals are evaluated by all members of the Scientific Committee of the SGI/SSMI. They do not evaluate proposals if members of their own research group are among the investigators. External peer reviews will be claimed if necessary.

Required Documents

– Cover letter and letters of support
– Study protocol including a structured summary
– CV of the applicants and list of publications (last five years)
– Ethical approval and approval by Swiss­medic (if applicable)
– Study budget (e.g., salaries of scientific and technical project personnel working in the institutions of the main and co-applicants (the salaries of the senior applicants are not funded); material costs that are directly related to the realization of the project, equipment necessary for perform­ing the project, monitoring cost)


– Annual scientific and financial report sent to the Scientific Committee of the SGI/SSMI; final report after study end or expiring of the grant
– Presentation of the main data at an annual meeting of the SGI/SSMI (submitted as an abstract)
If none of the submitted projects meets the criteria for support, the grant will not be awarded. The funding will be made available for the next year’s call.
Please send your application to the general secretary of the SSMI: sgi[at]
Deadline for applications: 15.6.2021